Laurina has extensive knowledge of acute and chronic mental health issues and has worked in Clinical Mental Health as a Registered Nurse since 2002. Her warmth and relatability speak not only of her respect for the unique experience of her clients, but also of her empathic approach to therapy.

Through a range of modalities including Gestalt Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy, Existentialism, Body Process & Clinical Hypnotherapy Laurina’s focus is to provide support for individuals & couples as they process difficulties and create greater fulfillment in their lives.

Services include

·       Anxiety & Panic Attacks ·       Relationship & Intimacy Concerns
·       Depression ·       Antenatal/postnatal Concerns
·       Substance Misuse/Addiction ·       Family and Parenting Issues
·       Trauma ·       Body image & eating disorders
·       Grief & Loss Counselling ·       Obsessive Compulsive Behaviours
·       Sexuality and Fertility Concerns ·       ADHD Counselling
·       Pornography & Sex Addiction ·       Dreamwork Therapy

Laurina believes that we can change unwanted patterns of behaviour by deepening our awareness through exploration of the relationship we have with ourselves, others, and our environment. This promotes a greater sense of agency within self, thus creating greater possibilities and conscious choice for the individual.

“Therapy can be for everyone and there is no issue too great or too small. There is always potential for growth and learning at any stage in our lives. The processing of emotional suffering in therapy can often lead to a greater sense of inner peace and healing” 

Lauina has further interests in working with clients to overcome performance anxiety and creative blocks. She has a Diploma in Performing Arts where she developed an appreciation of people’s sensitivities around performance and creativity.

Laurina provides face to face counselling in Attadale and Cottesloe and Telehealth and Zoom appointments.


Professional Memberships 

Australian Health Practitioner’s Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Full registration

Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN)

Holistic Therapists Australia (HTA)

Australian Society of Hypnosis -WA branch (ASH WA)

Member of The Viktor Frankl Institute Australia

Diana Lalor
BA (Psych) PostgradDipSc Applied Psych
Perth, Western Australia

Diana Lalor

Principal Psychologist, Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Trent Falkner
M. Psych.
Perth, Western Australia

Trent Falkner

Clinical Psychologist
Samantha McLaughlin
Accredited Gestalt Therapist
Perth, Western Australia

Samantha McLaughlin

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Ken Yeo
Accredited Gestalt Therapist
Perth, Western Australia

Ken Yeo

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Bronwyn Maddock
BA in Education and Accredited Steiner Teacher, Accredited Gestalt Counsellor.
Perth Western Australia

Bronwyn Maddock

Emily Hirshman-Smith
MA Couns Adv Dip Couns, Accredited Gestalt Counsellor.
Perth, Western Australia

Emily Hirshman-Smith

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Maria Loukas
Perth, Western Australia

Maria Loukas

Family Lawyer
Anna Amhrose
BSocSc (Children and Family Studies); TAA
Perth, Western Australia

Anna Amhrose

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Shantelle de Vries, nee Botha

Shantelle de Vries, nee Botha

Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Gloria Daccache
BPsych, GradDipEd (School Psych), MAPS

Gloria Daccache

Dr Barbara Hewson-Bower
Masters (Clin Psych), PhD.

Dr Barbara Hewson-Bower

Clinical Psychologist
Julie Cole
Master of Counselling & Psychotherapy (ECU); MPhil; MA

Julie Cole

Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Madeline Carroll
MPsych (Professional)

Madeline Carroll

Registered Psychologist, MAPS
Desley Davies
B App Sc OT (Mental Health)Master Social Science, Counselling and Psychotherapy

Desley Davies

Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Karen Mayes Smith
BSc OT (Mental Health)

Karen Mayes Smith

Sarah Louella
BA (Psych) PostgradDipPsych PostgradDipEdu

Sarah Louella

Psychologist & Counsellor
Laurina Holland
BScience Nursing (General & Mental Health), Gestalt Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Laurina Holland

Jane Irvine
Title B.A. (Psych)B. Soc Wk (AMHSW)

Jane Irvine

Daniel Appa

Daniel Appa

David Tait
B.Ed (hons), B Soc, AMHSW

David Tait

Counsellor, Mental Health Social Worker.
Ilse Meyer
Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy

Ilse Meyer

Counsellor and Psychotherapist


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