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Trauma and It’s Consequences

At some time in our lives we are likely to experience or witness an event which threatens our safety or life, or that of others around us. This could be a car accident or other serious accident, physical or sexual assault, a natural disaster such as fire, floods or cyclones or for some, the experience of war or torture. Some …

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What is OCD?

Diana Lalor

Everyone has bothersome worries now and again. You may worry about a problem at work or school, about money, health, relationships or a family member. People with OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), however become consumed by worry. These worries are not like those that people would normally expect to have; they are not worries about real life problems. The constant worry can …

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Why Mindfulness for Tinnitus?

You may already know that Tinnitus or ‘ringing in the ear’ has many possible causes, such as exposure to loud music or sounds, unwanted side effects to medication, or earwax blockage. For other people, there are no obvious reasons. Although there are many possible causes, and many different types of sounds actually experienced by the individual with Tinnitus; there is …

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Women and Work

Improving the personal effectiveness and career development of women The world of work is becoming more complex and the demands on women seeking a career and family life can be considerable. Many women are balancing the demands of their working life and family life and are looking for tools to do this in a healthy and effective way. Mentoring is …