Choosing a Psychologist, in Perth, Australia

At different times in our lives we may need assistance choosing a Psychologist to help us resolve difficulties. We all encounter stressful and challenging life events such as relationship breakdown, family and work-related problems, illness or bereavement, to name a few. We may wish to review childhood events, to foster our self-esteem, or to develop skills to assist in daily living. If we want to seek help, how do we decide what is best for us?

During my years as a Psychologist and Psychotherapist  in Perth, Western Australia, I have noticed that many people are confused by the differences between the professions, the services they offer and training and expertise, below is some information about Psychologists.


In order to practice as a psychologist in Perth, Australia, one must obtain full registration with the Psychology Board of Australia. and AHPRA . Prerequisites for registration are completion  of a four year university degree is, followed by two years of supervision by a qualified and experienced psychologist.

Registration with the Psychologists Board is a legal requirement. Psychologists may also complete a further two years training at Masters level for specialisation in areas such as Clinical, Counselling, Forensic, Educational and Developmental, Community, Organisational, Health, and Sports psychology.


Psychologists have a rigorous background in the scientific study of human behaviour and their training reflects a strong emphasis on validity of measures and reliable evidence of effective interventions.


A Degree in Psychology has a strong experimental and research basis with a focus on statistical analysis, assessment and reporting, psychopathology and systems of counselling and psychotherapy.

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)  is a preferred, evidence-based, psychological treatment method of the profession.  CBT  although many psychologists are now training externally in mindfulness based cognitive behaviour therapies eg Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and other humanistic psychotherapies.  eg Gestalt Therapy

Psychologists are trained in the treatment of a range of problem areas including

  • anxiety,
  • depression,
  • panic and phobias,
  • self esteem,
  • eating and
  • weight control problems
  • relationship difficulties
  • work and career related issues

Further information about psychologists may be found at Australian Association of Psychologists AAPI.


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