Would your relationship benefit from a tune-up?
Imagine your relationship is a car, and it’s been a while since your last oil change. You’ve noticed some strange noises coming from the engine that you haven’t heard before and a warning light appears on your dashboard. The air conditioning isn’t working. What would you do? You would probably call your nearest mechanic and book in for a tune-up. …
Choosing a Therapist in Perth
At different times in our lives we may need assistance choosing a therapist to help us resolve difficulties. We all encounter stressful and challenging life events such as relationship breakdown, family and work-related problems, illness or bereavement, to name a few. We may wish to review childhood events, to foster our self-esteem, or to develop skills to assist in daily …
Communication in Relationships
EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN RELATIONSHIPS: Effective communication in relationships is a learnt skill that can be modified and enhanced throughout our lives. It is influenced by a persons beliefs, culture and thoughts. It is easy to consider Communication skills to be inbuilt, something we don’t need to learn, but even though basic skills are learnt from the day we are born …
Couples and Intimacy
The couple is surely one of the archetypal patterns of human relationships. All human societies appear to have long term adult pair-bonding of one kind or another. Yet the maintenance of a healthy couple bond over time is perhaps one of the most difficult and challenging tasks of our adult lives. The life cycle of the couple involves many changes. …
Dealing With Separation or Divorce- From A Child’s Perspective
Life events such as separation or divorce can have a big impact on your child’s emotions and behaviour. Your child may be anxious and clingy or perhaps withdrawn and sad. They may be anxious about going to school or struggling to keep up with their classmates. Its also possible that your child may be acting out their anxiety or confusion …
Infidelity in Relationships
Infidelity – Discovering your Partner has been Unfaithful How to deal with Infidelity in a relationships is not a simple task and there is no quick fix for emotional pain and betrayal of trust. Discovering your partner has been unfaithful can be painful and traumatic or if you yourself are the one who has been unfaithful, then taking responsibility for …
Miscarriage – Coping as a Couple
A miscarriage is a significant loss for a couple, particularly as it is commonly unexpected, thereby causing shock, trauma and loss. These are all issues difficult to deal with individually, and as a couple. Each partner might react differently to the loss, and find it difficult to know how to share their grief. Grief is a personal process, we all …
Pornography Addiction
What is pornography addiction? Due to frequent and free-flowing access to sexualized imagery and ideaology via the internet, pornography has become normalized in contemporary society. It is easy therefore to assume that pornography addiction is a contemporary issue. However sexual fantasy and sexual curiosity are inherent to human nature and internet usage has only heightened their visibility. An almost unavoidable side effect …
Relationship Breakdown
Marriage Counselling When problems develop in a relationship, it can be the cause of great distress. Most of us wish to have committed and fulfilling relationships and the breaking down of an important relationship can create feelings of anger, sadness, grief, and isolation. People going through a relationship breakdown are more likely to experience mental health problems (especially in the …
LGBTQI+ Relationships: Same, but Different
LGBTQI+ Relationships Not surprisingly, same sex couples and those in LGBTQI+ relationships struggle with the same challenges we all face on the path to love and being in relationship. Communication difficulties, sexual intimacy, financial problems, conflict over shared household tasks and responsibilities, differences in parenting styles, and extended family relationship conflicts and expectations. Positive, healthy and fulfilling relationships form the basis …
Separation Counselling
Are you separating from your partner? Separation and relationship breakdown can be one of the most difficult times in your life. A time when you need support as well as information and practical advice. What do I do now? What will happen to me and to my children? How do I get through the pain that I am experiencing? If …
Trust in Our Relationships
The trust we so keenly desire in our relationships is one of the oldest states or capacities we humans know of. It is the ‘glue’ that enables two people to come together in a sharing partnership that is enduring. It has its origins in our very early experiences of life. Why is trust so easy to lose and so hard …
When Partner Won’t Attend Counselling
How to Respond When Your Partner Won’t Attend Counselling Are you considering separation? Are you wanting to try couples counselling but your partner is reluctant to attend? The stress of relationship difficulties can sometimes result in a situation where one or both people feel that separating is the only answer. This is a big step to take and it is …