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Dealing with Feelings of Guilt

Diana Lalor

Guilt is an emotional state where we experience conflict at having done something that we believe we should not have done (or conversely, having not done something we believe we should have done). This can give rise to a feeling state which does not go away easily and can be difficult to endure. If you are experiencing feelings of guilt …

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Infidelity in Relationships

Diana Lalor

Infidelity – Discovering your Partner has been Unfaithful How to deal with Infidelity in a relationships is not a simple task and there is no quick fix for emotional pain and betrayal of trust.  Discovering your partner has been unfaithful can be painful and traumatic or if you yourself are the one who has been unfaithful, then taking responsibility for …

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Does My Child Have ADHD?

Diana Lalor

While every child will at times be inattentive, hyperactive or impulsive, the difference with children who have ADHD is that these symptoms will be overabundant, happen in all settings and be severe enough and persistent enough to interfere with their learning and relationships. What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common …

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FIFO Counselling

Diana Lalor

Counselling for FIFO (Fly In Fly Out) Couples & Families What has become commonly known as the Fly In Fly Out Lifestyle is being lived by thousands of families across Australia with some workers flying from as far north as Queensland or from as far south as Tasmania, to take up work at mining camps in Western Australia, on remote …

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Finding the Gold in Life – Be the Alchemist of your Soul

Hardship and challenge are quintessential parts of the human experience, yet suffering is more optional. The turbulent times in our lives are an invitation to lift our consciousness, make choices about our perceptions and be the alchemist of our life. Alchemy simply put, is the intention to transmute something of perceived lesser quality to a more noble and great quality …

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Healthy Boundaries

Anna Amhrose

This article looks at what boundaries are, the role they play in development of self, relationships and families and thinking about boundaries as a tool for managing children’s behaviour. Setting Healthy Boundaries with Your Child or Adolescent Below are common scenarios for today’s parents/caregivers. What we see here is what we may say out aloud and what we may be …

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Diana Lalor

WHAT IS INSOMNIA Insomnia or difficulty in sleeping affects many of us at different times in our lives. The reasons for insomnia developing are often transient (such as lifestyle and/or behavioural changes or a crisis) but may also result from an ongoing condition such as chronic pain. Sleeplessness can become prolonged or habitual when the initial trigger is not dealt …

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Just Shy, or Social Anxiety?

Diana Lalor

Is social anxiety just another name for being really shy? Almost everyone gets a little anxious or embarrassed in front of other people now and then, though some of us are more shy than others. Although there is some discomfort, for many people shyness is a manageable emotion. Sometimes though the anxiety can be so intense that it stops us …

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Miscarriage – Coping as a Couple

Emily Hirshman-Smith

A miscarriage is a significant loss for a couple, particularly as it is commonly unexpected, thereby causing shock, trauma and loss. These are all issues difficult to deal with individually, and as a couple. Each partner might react differently to the loss, and find it difficult to know how to share their grief. Grief is a personal process, we all …

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Mentoring is the opportunity to work confidentially with an experienced role model (mentor) who is able to listen, provide guidance and help build self confidence for an employee (mentee) in their career. For employers the benefits may include increased satisfaction in the workplace, a positive work environment, increased confidence, creativity and productivity of staff in undertaking the tasks required as …

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Mentoring and Executive Leadership

Improving the personal development, effectiveness, and contribution of leaders and senior executives Is your business interested in assisting high potential employees and senior executives in their career transitions – planning the transition to leadership, returning from maternity leave, or changing direction. Does your organisation want to invest in leaders and add value to your business through: Improving their confidence, leadership …

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My Transgender Child- A Mothers Journey

“Mummy, God has made a really big mistake when making me. He was thinking girl and at the last minute made a boy.” Transgender refers to an individual whose gender identity (what they feel) does not match their assigned biological birth gender. When my son Sam said this to me, it was the moment I truly felt the enormity of despair …

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Physical And Mental Health Connection

Diana Lalor

Physical and Mental Health – The Connection Between Body and Mind In western society the Physical and Mental Health connection can easily be overlooked as it is a culture of endless quick fixes and we are for the most part solution driven. For every problem from a headache, weight loss and ageing to depression, anxiety and low self-esteem we are …

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Pornography Addiction

Diana Lalor

What is pornography addiction? Due to frequent and free-flowing access to sexualized imagery and ideaology via the internet, pornography has become normalized in contemporary society. It is easy therefore to assume that pornography addiction is a contemporary issue. However sexual fantasy and sexual curiosity are inherent to human nature and internet usage has only heightened their visibility. An almost unavoidable side effect …

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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Diana Lalor

What is PTSD? Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a medical/psychological condition that can occur in response to a traumatic event. Traumatic events are usually defined as unexpected, negative situations that are life threatening, or where an individual experiences a threat to their physical or psychological integrity, or witnesses a similar threat to another. Events that seriously threaten the safety of …

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Self Acceptance

Many people seek out therapy for various challenges in life. The common thread that presents itself more often than not, is an underlying quest for self-acceptance. Learning how to come to terms with our imperfections, conflicting desires, and challenging emotions, is the journey of self-acceptance. Acceptance as a general concept is often confused with the condoning and approving of negative …

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Sexual Abuse

Diana Lalor

In the past three decades we have seen a significant shift in community attitudes toward the existence of and effects of childhood sexual abuse. From the 1970’s where ignorance and denial of the problem was most prevalent to the current day where the community no longer appears as willing to accept the abuse of it’s children. This readiness on the …

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Stress Management

Diana Lalor

Managing Stress Stress is an omnipresent force in our everyday lives, and it is the body’s way of responding to challenge in our environment.  It is something that is part of normal life, and is experienced by everyone from time to time because of this effective stress management skills are vital for maintaining optimum health. Stress helps us cope with …

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The Art & Science of Relaxation

Trent Falkner

Relaxation is a helpful tool for refreshing the mind and body after periods of stress. It is also extremely useful for gaining control over anxiety. Relaxation is a state of mind in which our attention is drawn away from the outside world, and is focussed on our internal processes. This can be achieved by quietening the mind and directing our …

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The Secretiveness of Shame

Shame is a normal human emotion. It relates to the inherent ‘quality’ of oneself, our sense of self or our identity, dignity and honour. Shame manifests in behaviours such as hiding one’s eyes, turning away one’s face, blushing, avoidance behaviours, blaming, over reacting, self-deprecation, apathy or cognitive freezing. Shame can be triggered by being criticised or humiliated, when we experience …