Specialist area:

  • Psychotherapy

I have practised as a clinical psychologist for thirty five years.

In addition to my university training in clinical psychology, I am a Certified Hakomi Therapist (USA) and an Accredited Gestalt Therapist (WA).

Psychotherapy is a journey of self discovery, and allowing your real self to unfold in an organic way. 

There are critical times in our lives when we get stuck. We reach an impasse. This might be in a relationship, or our career. It may be a consequence of our upbringing, or past experiences which have left a mark. 

At this point we often experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other mental health problems. These symptoms can be a signal that we are bumping up against a way of living which no longer works for us. This may be due to deeply held beliefs, or neural patterns which limit us – which we are hardly aware of.

My preference is to work with the Hakomi method, which is based on mindfulness and somatic awareness. These can be tools for exploring  parts of ourselves which are just out of reach of our conscious minds. This is different from intellectual problem-solving, or just having a conversation with your therapist and recycling familiar thoughts.

The concept of “the wisdom of the body” is relevant here. It is not some fluffy new age notion. It rests on modern neuropsychology, and it means bypassing the tangle of limiting neural patterns and opening the door to our true self.

Medicare rebates apply if you have a Mental Health Care Plan from either a GP or a psychiatrist. 

Private health fund rebates also apply, and do not require a referral.

Professional Memberships

Registered with APHRA
Australian Psychological Society (Full Member)
College of Clinical Psychologists (Full Member) – Australian Psychological Society

Articles published by Trent Falkner

Diana Lalor
BA (Psych) PostgradDipSc Applied Psych
Perth, Western Australia

Diana Lalor

Principal Psychologist, Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Trent Falkner
M. Psych.
Perth, Western Australia

Trent Falkner

Clinical Psychologist
Samantha McLaughlin
Accredited Gestalt Therapist
Perth, Western Australia

Samantha McLaughlin

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Ken Yeo
Accredited Gestalt Therapist
Perth, Western Australia

Ken Yeo

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Bronwyn Maddock
BA in Education and Accredited Steiner Teacher, Accredited Gestalt Counsellor.
Perth Western Australia

Bronwyn Maddock

Emily Hirshman-Smith
MA Couns Adv Dip Couns, Accredited Gestalt Counsellor.
Perth, Western Australia

Emily Hirshman-Smith

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Maria Loukas
Perth, Western Australia

Maria Loukas

Family Lawyer
Anna Amhrose
BSocSc (Children and Family Studies); TAA
Perth, Western Australia

Anna Amhrose

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Shantelle de Vries, nee Botha

Shantelle de Vries, nee Botha

Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Gloria Daccache
BPsych, GradDipEd (School Psych), MAPS

Gloria Daccache

Julie Cole
Master of Counselling & Psychotherapy (ECU); MPhil; MA

Julie Cole

Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Madeline Carroll
MPsych (Professional)

Madeline Carroll

Registered Psychologist, MAPS
Desley Davies
B App Sc OT (Mental Health)Master Social Science, Counselling and Psychotherapy

Desley Davies

Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Sarah Louella
BA (Psych) PostgradDipPsych PostgradDipEdu

Sarah Louella

Psychologist & Counsellor
Laurina Holland
BScience Nursing (General & Mental Health), Gestalt Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Laurina Holland

Daniel Appa

Daniel Appa

David Tait
B.Ed (hons), B Soc, AMHSW

David Tait

Counsellor, Mental Health Social Worker.
Ilse Meyer
Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy

Ilse Meyer

Counsellor and Psychotherapist
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