Diana is a highly regarded Psychologist and Couples Counsellor in Cottesloe. Diana has been practising Psychology in Perth, Western Australia for over thirty years and she is an experienced coup[les counsellor and Accredited Gestalt Therapist.

In 1997 Diana opened Cottesloe Counselling Centre and has alongside her team of  practitioners  been providing psychological and counselling services to the community ever since.

Diana has trained and has many years of experience in Relationship and Couples Therapy, Trauma therapy Adolescent Counselling and is an experienced Family Therapist. Diana is the Principal Psychologist and Proprietor of Cottesloe Counselling Centre.


Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Psychological services for Individuals, Couples and Families.

Diana creates a warm and respectful Therapeutic Environment where individuals may resolve difficulties and increase their capacity for personal growth and fulfilling relationships.

Diana’s therapeutic approach underlines the importance of the relationship between therapist and client as the ground from where the client can develop understanding and awareness regarding their difficulties, increase their resilience and self support, and enhance their well-being.

Diana’s work is informed by her appreciation of the value of meditation and Mindfulness practice. She is a Gestalt Therapist of many years standing and is trained as a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist. Diana has a deep understanding of child and adolescent psychology and family functioning, having worked for many years with parents and families in community based settings.

Diana is an experienced trauma counsellor and psychologist and specialises in the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress reactions resulting from traumatic events in adulthood, or childhood trauma such as physical and Sexual Abuse and neglect. She is skilled in treating Dissociative Disorders that may result from chronic trauma.

Clinical Supervision is offered to psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors and all trainee mental health practitioners on an individual or group basis. Specialist clinical supervision in the treatment of Dissociative Disorders and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders is also available on a group or individual basis.

Diana has written articles on the following topics:

Cognitive behaviour therapy

Medicare and Private Health Fund Rebates Apply

Professional Memberships

Registered with the Psychology Board of Australia
Australian Association of Psychologists (Full Member)

Articles published by Diana Lalor

Diana Lalor
BA (Psych) PostgradDipSc Applied Psych
Perth, Western Australia

Diana Lalor

Principal Psychologist, Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Trent Falkner
M. Psych.
Perth, Western Australia

Trent Falkner

Clinical Psychologist
Samantha McLaughlin
Accredited Gestalt Therapist
Perth, Western Australia

Samantha McLaughlin

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Ken Yeo
Accredited Gestalt Therapist
Perth, Western Australia

Ken Yeo

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Bronwyn Maddock
BA in Education and Accredited Steiner Teacher, Accredited Gestalt Counsellor.
Perth Western Australia

Bronwyn Maddock

Emily Hirshman-Smith
MA Couns Adv Dip Couns, Accredited Gestalt Counsellor.
Perth, Western Australia

Emily Hirshman-Smith

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Maria Loukas
Perth, Western Australia

Maria Loukas

Family Lawyer
Anna Amhrose
BSocSc (Children and Family Studies); TAA
Perth, Western Australia

Anna Amhrose

Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Shantelle de Vries, nee Botha

Shantelle de Vries, nee Botha

Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Gloria Daccache
BPsych, GradDipEd (School Psych), MAPS

Gloria Daccache

Julie Cole
Master of Counselling & Psychotherapy (ECU); MPhil; MA

Julie Cole

Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Madeline Carroll
MPsych (Professional)

Madeline Carroll

Registered Psychologist, MAPS
Desley Davies
B App Sc OT (Mental Health)Master Social Science, Counselling and Psychotherapy

Desley Davies

Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Sarah Louella
BA (Psych) PostgradDipPsych PostgradDipEdu

Sarah Louella

Psychologist & Counsellor
Laurina Holland
BScience Nursing (General & Mental Health), Gestalt Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Laurina Holland

Daniel Appa

Daniel Appa

David Tait
B.Ed (hons), B Soc, AMHSW

David Tait

Counsellor, Mental Health Social Worker.
Ilse Meyer
Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy

Ilse Meyer

Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Our Associate Practitioners

Our Associate Practitioners

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